Northern Ireland UFO Society
Seen something you'd like to report? This is the place to do so.
Fill out the form carefully and accurately with as much detail as possible. Your name won't be published unless you select the option below. Please note that your contact information will not be published.
If you have pictures or video footage please send them to us via email.
Fields marked with '*' are required. Please provide correct contact details in case we wish to contact you further regarding your report.
By filling in and submitting this form, you agree to us contacting you if we feel we need to further the investigation.
Please note we may not publish all reports and reserve the right to pull down a published report without prior notice or no given reason. We will do this with reports we find to be fabricated.
Your personal contact details will not be shared with anyone outside of the investigation, including those members not assigned to your report. Furthermore, your personal contact details will not be shared outside of NIUFOS, unless we receive your explicit permission in writing.