Northern Ireland UFO Society

Welcome to the official website of the Northern Ireland UFO Society.
We're a non-profit organisation dedicated to the investigation, research and education of UAP and ET related phenomena, based in Northern Ireland.
We don't soley investigate reports and accounts in Northern Ireland, and membership is certainly not exclusive to those living in the province.
This website serves as a medium for you to get in touch with us and to follow the latest news and reports. If you've had a sighting you'd like to report, please go to "submit a report" page and fill it out as accuratly as possible.
We're now in our 11th year and we look forward to many more with great enthusiasim.
We've endured a cyber attack from malicious people who sought to do us harm during 2019 (and they still try), but here we are! Still standing and pressing on.
Please feel free to look around our site. We're in the process of tweaking and updating it, but we hope you enjoy your visit here
Here's to another year of ufology in Northern Ireland."
Chris M. NIUFOS Chairperson